Issue #02 | Summer 2024

By Melissa Tilling

As we go to publication of Travel _For Good 2.0 we wish to add this tribute to Melissa Tilling who sadly passed away in early July 2024.

Melissa has written the Foreword to this edition of _For Good. We sincerely thank her family for allowing us to use her words. Words that highlight the generosity of spirit that she afforded everyone. They encapsulate everything she stood for. And if you know Melissa, you’ll hear her voice. Full of passion. Full of love for the travel industry and full of vision for the direction travel should take for the future.

Melissa was simply fabulous. Her generosity as a friend and industry colleague was boundless. Our shock and sense of loss will be incomparable to Melissa’s friends and family, to whom we pass our deepest condolences on to, and thank them for agreeing to let us use her Foreword.

We dedicate this magazine to Melissa.